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So, after the first half of the first episode of Girls' Last Tour I was expecting some post apocalyptic survival anime, but with something more than it turned out to be. If any of you have seen the non-anime animated movie 9, you would probably understand what I mean. There is no sense of danger or actual trouble surviving, which makes the show feel very empty to me. I thought this part would improve when the chocolate conflict appeared in the end of episode 1, but that element was more or less gone or not improved on at all in episode 2. Also I find it hard to care about the characters at all because you never see them deal with actually tough situations.
There is no real purpose behind the post, except raising an unpopular opinion and to see if there is someone on this sub who agrees with me. This is mostly a reaction to all the praise this show seems to get here.
Пиздец мнение конечно, с одной серии говорить что сопереживания к персонажам нету и проблемы выживания нету. По этому нужно оценивать то или иное только после полного просмотра
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